Week 13,14,15 Notes:
(4/6, 4/8) (4/13, 4/15) (4/20, 4/22)
-Working on Choreography project
-Working on website
Reflection: For my group choreography project, I worked with three freshman dance majors. For this work I began with charting the music. Our rhythmic and music analysis course inspired me to begin with breaking the music up into phrases of twelve. I used two tracks for this assignment. The first track I used the first 58 seconds to create an introduction of the trio. The movement in the beginning section in synchronized to establish the trio as one. When the new music starts the dancers are running in place for 4 eight count before the solos begin. The 12 eight counts each dancer does is broken down into 3 parts, created an ABC choreographic structure for each dancer. Dancer one dances their 12-count phrase and on the seventh 8 count dancer two enters the stage continuing dancer one’s movement. The two dancers dance together for 5 eight counts before dancer two begins her 12 eight count phrases. This cycle continues with dancer two and three. After dancer three is done with their 12 eight count phrases, the trio is reestablished and returns to the theme of synchronization. The dancers dance in a slow tempo for 12 eight counts until the music shifts to the dance break section. The dance break contains 20 eight counts. The dancers combine 6.5 of their original phrases to create the dance break and establish unity. I really enjoyed incorporating elements from both music analysis and our improv class to create this work.