Week 9 Notes:
3/9, 3/11
-Using research to support choreography
-Grant reading
-notes on grant reading
Assignment: Research Question
Thesis question
Why are black woman criticized for expressing their sensuality in pop culture?
Black women are reclaiming their freedom by expressing self-love through the celebration of their womanhood and sensuality in popular culture.
Historical overview
Black woman on stage
Why an audience feels shaken up when they see a black woman on stage?
Reflection: The artist’s guide to grant writing was a great article to reference in jumpstarting the grant writing process. The tone of the article was easy to follow and didn’t feel demanding in following the instructions. I have written grant proposals in the past for public schools, however when it comes to verbalizing my ideas I struggle severely. The major key points I took from this article was apply for grants, don’t be bitter or demanding in the application, use the grant writing process to clarify where you want to go, ask for help, follow directions, research the funder, ask questions, write, and rewrite. In incorporating the notes from this article, I am comfortable with writing grants now. I have several community-based projects I want to jumpstart; however, I did not read enough information on how to get my projects off the ground. I have realized I try to work on an assignment in a day and put it down. This strategy causes me to not push myself further therefore, I miss the opportunity to go in depth. I look forward to developing my voice in verbalizing my grant projects, rather than just pilling a group of words on the paper.
Week 10 Notes:
3/16, 3/18
-Aiden led lesson
-Using objects for inspiration
-Where does resistance live in your body?
-Read works from Takiya Nuramin, Kimberlee Crenshaw, Rockelle Monrae, Carrie Jamu welsch
-In research don’t read the books that is not research ask people
This class was very informative, and I really enjoyed connecting my emotions to household objects. Aiden brought in everyday item such as saran wrap, tissue, foil, and parchment paper to inspire movement and choreographic ideas. We began class with a 5 min meditation. After the meditation, Aiden asked us to write a few words of how we were feeling in the moment. Healthy, tired, grateful, rooted, anxious, rewind, reset, road, exhausted and connected where the words I wrote in my notebook. This exercise helped us realize that location plays an important role in expression. There is a place to rest and a place to play. There is also a place of perseverance. In recognizing how spaces contribute to my actions, I learned a lot about my work ethic and how location plays a huge role in it. In answering the question of where resistance lives in my body, I wrote the soul, heart, and home (my safe space). In the exploration exercise I chose the box of tissue to explore. I first analyzed the tissue box with my 5 senses. I noticed the design, pattern, and color of the tissue box. I noticed it was hollow, soft and was a container of something. The box was soft yet strong. I began my investigation by pulling the tissue out of the box and throwing it into the air. I quickly connected the tissue to gravity and realized that everything that goes up must come down. I connected the box of tissue to my heart. My body is the container of my heart like the box is the container for the tissue. The container is the protectant just like my body is my protectant. The items are protected inside its container, but when it is on the outside it looks different and is fragile. This exercise help to connect everyday household items to deeper ideas that can be used as a topic in choreography. The most valuable thing I learned from this lesson was, forget everything and run or face everything and rise. That quote is one I will cherish forever.